Friday, August 22, 2008

Is there really just one more day???

Where has the time gone?? I can remember crying because our home study was taking so long, and then our 171 was taking we are one day away from traveling to get Gracie. I keep saying "we" when in reality it is Kerry and his Dad. However, I will be there to if only in spirit. I will be watching the travel blog, hitting the refresh key constantly. You all know how that goes. We do have a video camera and hope to talk through Sk*ype. We have almost everything set. There were some last minute changes to the hotels in Xian and now I should be typing up the new itinerary. (which I will do next)

Yes, I guess I had better get busy.. so much to do and now just one more day.

Three more days Gracie, three more days......

1 comment:

The Ferrill's said...

I will be an addict on this computer watching for updates! ;)
I'm praying for Gracie and your husband...and you and those at home waiting!
It is wild how slow the time creeps up until these moments, and then BOOM! Time to go!