Friday, July 2, 2010

They are in Guangzhou ~

No updates on the travel site today. They had a pretty rough transition to Guangzhou. The flight was delayed, the guide had already left and no one spoke English. But, they made it to the White Swan and everyone is a happy camper once again!!

I did get to skype with them as they were headed to bed. Tomorrow is the medical exam.

Rachel is doing much better by the way. The antibiotics are kicking in and she is showing major personality. Our girl is a stinker!! She is already getting into everything and she can say "Baba". We are working on "Mama" but I don't think she gets that the person on the computer is really her mama yet.


Tami said...


I love seeing Kerry and Rachel together! Woo hoo! FINALLY! PTL. Oh, I can only imagine how you must be counting the days;-). She is such a cutie, and I'm so glad to hear that she is feeling better.
LOve, hugs, and prayers to you ALL!

Sheri_n_Ben said...

Desiree, so glad to see she is feeling better, and they are settling into the White Swan. So close to the finish line, you can probably feel them on their way home!

Julie said...

She is so cute, and seems so relaxed in Kerry's arms. I can't wait to see her in your arms too.