Thursday, June 10, 2010

~ So little time ~

I can't even believe I posted that specific title. Our journey to Rachel has been so long and now it seems like we have only days!!
I have been busy nesting, so to speak. I found a dresser at an antique sale for $40. It was originally priced at $300 but I talked them down. It had three coats of oil based paint, shelves on the mirror and was being rained on. Maybe why they only took $40!!

I finally stripped all three coats of paint off, sanded it and repainted. I think it turned out great. Not exactly what I wanted but for $40 I am not complaining. We moved it into Hope's room and she loves it!!

The shelves didn't survive the stripping process, so I tossed them, the mirror had to be fixed with wood putty but all in all it isn't bad.

I have Kerry and Rachel almost packed, the SWI gifts bought, and meds finished. I have a million other things that need done but can't seem to get them al finished yet.

In addition to that we have major change going on and I can't post until after the adoption. But, we are now permanant citizens in VA!! No more moving for us at all. I have mixed feelings but am so glad the kids are happy and that is what is most important.

15 days and counting until Kerry is off!! Although since they leave Dulles at 6:15 in the morning I guess I can say 14!!
Rachel's travel site is in the sidebar, just in case you want to follow along.


Julie said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! I know those two weeks waiting for her arrival once Kerry has her will be hard. But your little girl will be home soon.

Mike and Rhonda said...

Oh so happy for all of you. Hey, a tad sad about you not moving back to Alabama :(. But like you, so glad that your kids are happy.

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

It's getting closer to Rachel day!!!!! I love your new header and the dresser too!

Love and blessings,

Steve and Jan said...

Hi Desiree,

We've been out of town and I'm just catching up. Thrilled to see things are coming together for you guys! I can't wait to follow along as Kerry heads to China.

Wish, wish, wish we lived closer! I am glad your kids are happy where they are though.

LOVE the dresser! You are so talented!
