Monday, October 18, 2010


I am greatly saddened that even a word? Not sure but it kind of explains how confused, conflicted and upset I am after reading a post on one of my favorite adoption blogs....

Which I will no longer read....

It's about the post here.

Now, I know we all have our different beliefs ect...but for some reason I have taken a distinct dislike to this particular poster, not from the blog she is posting on but from her own personal blog. I read it before she traveled to her daughter and during, even after she came home. But, what I read kind of left a sick feeling in my heart.

I don't know if she is writing for the shock value or not but I just didn't get a good feeling.....

So, a blog I liked reading and had some value will no longer be listed in my favorites. That saddens me. It was a valuable resource to those of us adopting special needs kids.

However I can't condone reading a blog that will post about there being no heaven and no after life with God.


Anita said...

Thanks for sharing this. I have not read her personal blog, so it looks like I'm not missing anything there. I'm sad to see how she's used the SN forum, however, to share her lack of belief and yes she has her "right" to what she believes But was it necessary to post it there or keep it to her own blog??

Love for Lilly Yin said...

I read that too, and I was a bit confused, of course that was way this morning, and I was half asleep...Glad I didn't miss much.

Duchess of Lanier said...

I'm sometimes conflicted reading blogs intertwined with specific religions, but beliefs are so central to families, I understand when these ideas come through.

Guess I read a lot I don't always agree with and think it keeps me on my toes.

Happy new week to you all!