Thursday, September 17, 2009

Raffle is canceled and other things...

Well, I did it, I canceled the raffle. We just didn't have a good turn out. I am relying on my sewing and the small amount of Kingdom Kids letters we did send out... Good thing tax refund season is around the corner. We do have a small amount of adoption credit remaining from adopting Grace to add on this years.
Oh and if you are looking for a gift idea for your little girl please consider ordering an apron from me.

Anyway, we have all been sick lately. I am not sure what it was but it was nasty. The doctor didn't want to chance seeing us just said lots of fluids and Tylenol/Motrin. Hannah is the only one still home from school. Hope and Jake seem to be the only ones that haven't caught it...

This week also marks Hope's three year anniversary with us. I still remember it like it was yesterday. She was so tiny and scared and just plain out screamed for her nanny. She remained that way through out the whole meeting with the officials and finally calmed down on the bus ride back to the hotel. Now, she is a strong willed four year old, who is so smart and outgoing. I think this child of mine could make friends with anyone anywhere. And boy do we all love her!!


Carey and Norman said...

Sorry to hear about your raffle.

Let me know what we owe you for our pumpkin outfit!!

The aprons are really cute too. We just ordered some with names embroidered over the summer or I'd be ordering them.

Julie said...

Happy Gotcha Day Hope!

Keisha said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

Sorry about the raffle.
That is so cute! You are talented girl!!! Good luck with the sewing,.. I pray that God will richly bless you!!!