Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Moving Day 1

This is only one corner of the family room....unbelievable how much clutter you accumulate in just two years....

Finding things to do when everything is packed, hope the movers won't be to upset.

Ok, so this is day one of three of the big move. It shouldn't be this hard, right? I guess the fact that we have five kids and they are all here with us while we are doing this would probably contribute to the hardship. Add to that the dog, the kitten, no food and dishes and well it's not easy. Hopefully this will be the last big move for awhile. Knowing my husband though, he'll move us back in two years. I guess since we aren't doing tha major packing other than what we are taking with us to the temporary place should make me feel better unless I start thnking about the fact that it's a two bedroom townhome and the kids will be out of school until we find a house and get it under contract. Yikes, let's not think about that right now. Anyway, enjoy pictures of our clutter, or rather the mess of our home right now.


redmaryjanes said...

Wow, I wish you all the best on your move. That is so much work :)
I just wanted you to know that I have had some great comments on your graphic and it has been leading people to the fundraiser. THANK YOU!!!s

Kim said...

Those movers probably never saw such cute moving boxes!

Hope all goes well the next few days! Remember just keep your sense of humor!

redmaryjanes said...

Your box came today for the Starfish babes. Thank you so much! I did a post.

Tami said...

You'll definitely know those boxes are yours when they arrive!

Hope you settle into your new surrounding nicely.

I still wish you were moving to our neck of the woods:-(!

Keeping you in our prayers during this transition.
